We offer a range of clubs and activities at our school. These activities are run by volunteers - our own staff - often with the help of parents or other community members. Participating in clubs is a great way for students to meet peers with similar interests. It's also a chance for students to explore their interests or discover a new skill.

Clubs generally meet during lunch period (10:40 am - 11:40 am) though some meet after school. For a current list of clubs, meeting times and locations, please refer to the current Week at a Glance on the What's New page. Updates are also included on CCIAM, our morning announcements.

Here are some of the clubs and groups at CCI this year:

     Model UN (SEM 2)
3D Design club   Drumline  Muslim club
 A4BOC (Alliance for Black People Of Colour)  GAIA (Green Action Initiatives Alliance) club  Photography club
 AV club  GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance)  Robotics club
 Athletic Council  Jazz Ensemble  Student Council
 Chess club  Korean club  Student Wellness Committee
 Craft club  Link Crew
 Symphonic Band
 Creative Writing club  Math club
 Table top & role playing club
 Coding club  Meditation
 Tai Chi
 Dance club  Mindfulness Ambassadors Program
 Youth in Action club
   Mock Trial (SEM 2)